Darien Attridge

Dr. Lisa Palmer

Dr. Lisa Palmer, PhD, LMFT, CHT is one of Hollywood’s youngest go-to psychotherapists and coaches for A-List celebrities, high profile athletes, models, entrepreneurs, and even pop stars! While her wellness practice is based in the beautiful Boca Raton, patients are located around the world and travel for her customized intensive one-on-one sessions for tough to beat problems such as eating disorders, addictions, trauma reduction, relationship issues and conflict resolution, mood issues, mind reprogramming, performance and success training.

Dr. Palmer is not only an architect of consciousness and a masterful physicist of change helping you to reprogram your mind, produce effective desirable solutions rapidly, and artfully and systemically perturb vicious cycles …. Dr. Palmer is a mental martial artist, a living breathing example that with a warm heart and strong mind you can become everything you are meant to be.

Dr. Palmer knows from personal experience that the world can be a very mean and rough place. We aren’t all born with lemonade. In spite of Dr. Palmer’s successes she is reminded on a daily basis what it is like to have to work hard to achieve. Making lemonade out of lemons is what she knows, all she knows.

Everybody wants to know how patients find Dr. Palmer. A former Miss USA contestant and television news reporter, Dr. Palmer has since enjoyed keeping a rather low profile as a psychotherapist, licensed marriage and family therapist, certified hypnotherapist, AAMFT approved supervisor. But her work itself has captured the interest of individuals from all walks of life who come to her the old fashioned way, word of mouth and her reputation for results.
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